Dental Tips |4 min read

What Causes Receding Gums?

Smile with receding gums causes and solutions

Receding gums refers to gum tissue that has begun to pull away from the tooth structure, thus exposing more of the tooth and tooth root. What causes gum recession? Should you be alarmed if it happens to you? And can receding gums be fixed?

Left untreated, gum recession could make the tooth root or even bone tissue completely vulnerable—risking damage to the tooth nerve, losing the tooth, or a more severe infection! In this article, we’ll discuss the causes, symptoms, and real solutions for the condition known as receding gums.

What causes receding gums?

As with any condition, many factors can contribute to receding gums.

Periodontal disease takes home the first place prize of what causes receding gums. This spreading infection of the gingivae slowly eats away at your healthy gum and bone tissue.

Brushing your teeth too hard or too much can cause your gums to recede, according to the Journal of Periodontology.

Inadequate oral hygiene contributes to bad bacteria and plaque buildup—which destroy your gums.

Hormonal changes, such as those occurring during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, can make your gum tissues more vulnerable to recession. The use of birth control hormones may also have a similar effect.

Tobacco users usually have more plaque buildup that hurts gums. Smokeless tobacco can irritate your gums, causing gum (periodontal) disease. To enhance the flavor of smokeless tobacco, sugar is often added, increasing the risk of tooth decay.

Grinding your teeth or a misaligned bite can cause irregular wear patterns on your gums and teeth, resulting in gum recession in the affected areas.

Certain medications or medical conditions can also inflame your gums or cause them to be more susceptible to periodontal disease.

How can you tell if your gums are receding?

Now that we know what causes receding gums, what should you do if you suspect your gums are pulling away? Only a qualified dental professional can properly diagnose and help you treat the condition. Healthy gums are a nice healthy pink color and the gum line looks consistent around all your teeth. If your gums are receding, you will likely begin to notice:

  • Gums that are pulling away from the tooth
  • Teeth appear to be longer than others
  • Swollen gums
  • Pockets or gaps between teeth
  • Reddish or bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Teeth that are becoming loose

How can you fix receding gums?

Woman brushing her teeth to prevent what causes receding gums

Do you experience any of the above symptoms? Since gum tissue does not grow back, you need to talk with your dentist about personalized ways you can prevent gingival recession and stop gums from receding further. If you have gum disease, your gums and bone structure may put up a good fight against this progressive issue, but they cannot win the battle without help from a qualified oral health expert!

Depending on the amount of damage caused by gum disease, you may be able to get a deep cleaning and antibiotics to help clear out the infection and harmful bacteria. For more advanced cases, surgery or tissue grafting will be needed to regenerate the damaged gum and bone structures.

Remember that gum disease is not the only cause of receding gums. Preventive measures such as aligning your bite, using a custom night guard, quitting smoking, and treating cavities early on will help prevent damage to your precious smile!

You can fight gum recession!

You can prevent gum disease by brushing and flossing at least twice a day, attending regular cleanings and checkups with your dentist twice a year, and eating a well-balanced and healthy diet. We might say this a lot, but prevention is key. Simply knowing what causes receding gums won’t solve the problem. If you suspect your gums are receding, you should contact your dentist immediately to find out the cause of receding gums and prevent further damage.

Healthy gums are the foundation for a healthy smile, so taking care of your gums is tantamount to taking care of your pearly whites!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Re-posted with permission: source.

19 comments on “What Causes Receding Gums?”
  1. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    What can Fix receding gums Naturally?

    Three things you Should do now.

    1. Get rid of the harmful bacteria.

    2. Continue fighting with all the unwanted organisms all day every day.

    3. Use a product that lowers plaque accumulation

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Carole @ thanks for visiting our blog. I appreciate your comments on treating gums naturally.

  2. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    Thanks for your article. Even harsh brushing can lead to receding gums. This can be changed by using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Kate at Acero Crowns, Thanks for visiting our blog. We appreciate your useful comment on harsh brushing and receding gum lines.

  3. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    Being a dentist myself at Stevenson Dental Care (, I am firmly in favour of your thoughts that maintaining your oral health can make a great impact on your overall health. Just brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting your dentist twice a year can keep your entire body healthy, also don’t brush your teeth so hard.

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Thank you for visiting our blog and for leaving your useful comment. Tooth health is good for the entire body as you indicate,.

  4. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    .excellent content and very well done!
    please check out this site.

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      John at Bristol Dental, Thanks for visiting our blog.

  5. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    If you have a receding gum line, you probably are at some stage of periodontal gum disease. You have shared good information on it.

    Mark –

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Mark at Montreux Dental,
      Thanks for your comment on gum line problems. We appreciate it.
      Brookside Dental

  6. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    Many people are suffering from the gum receding problems, thanks for sharing the tips that will help us in keeping our teeth in the as well as the gum in good condition.

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Laticia Gibson,
      thanks for visiting our blog and leaving a comment. You are correct that gum disease is a problem, but it can be kept in check with good methods of tooth and gum hygiene.
      Brookside Dental

  7. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    Receding gum line problems are no laughing matter. It is amazing how many people spend thousands of dollars on gum surgery and experience discomfort without ever discovering the root cause of receding gum lines.

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Thanks for the great comment regarding gum disease. You are correct that many people spend a considerable amount of money to fix gum problems that might have been avoided with proper care and finding out how the problem might have been prevented.

  8. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    Good point. Also, if you start treatment at an early stage, you’re able to stop or reverse the process of gum recession.

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Thank you for your comment Kitchener Dentist. Additionally, starting to floss at an early age is extremely important to prevent gum recession. Thanks again for stopping by our blog.

  9. Avatar for Brookside Dental

    This is a very informative article and has helped me a lot. I had pain and discomfort in my teeth recently which didn’t go away for a week. Then I came across your blog and decided not to ignore it anymore and visit a dentist before it worsens.

    1. Avatar photo
      Brookside Dental

      Vikram @,
      thank you for your visiting our blog and letting us know that the “receding gums” article was helpful to you.
      Brookside Dental

  10. Avatar for Brookside Dental
    Dr N.Deepak kumar

    Thank you for sharing the information.This article about Receding Gums is really
    helpful.Crown Dental Care is a comprehensive general dental clinic

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